. My Simple Life: Ratu Sweethella♥ Shugo Chara - Ran's Egg


Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Ratu Sweethella♥

for smashblast or maybe rezalways, mungkin udah ga asing lagi sm nama di atas
yup kak Thella, pacarnya kak m reza anugrah or we can call him reza

she's very pretty i thinks
her first single is Run And Hide as you can see the lyrics here

cantik yaa cantik dong pacarnya siapa duluu *tendang kak ejaaaaa tuing @mrezanugrah

twitternya : @Ratusweethella
oiya dia punya fans loooh namanya sweeties kalo gasalah :*** ahh heart u more kak

atas : ilham - reza
bawah: lala - thella

waktu kak eja sm kak thella anniv kak eja ngasih kak thella cupcakes loh lucu deh cupcakes nyaaa :* haha

SO BEAUTIFUL, ISN'T IT? as beautiful as me :p

oke thankyou :3

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